
In this page you will learn about the possible errors that might arise while using Dispay commands

If your command is missing any variables, trying to transfer an unsupported crypto, trying to send an amount that your bot doesn't have, or miss-inputting variables, Dispay will send an error message telling you what the error is.

Error messages look like this: !dispayerror 1068091009956851723 Command Missformat

Let's break down the above message:

  • !dispayerror Prefix used to let your bot know that this is an error message

  • 1068091009956851723 The ID of the command your bot sent that has an error in it

  • Command Missformat The type of error that occured in your command

The error message is sent in the same channel where your bot sent the command.

Error Messages

  • Command Missformat The command your bot sent was not structured correctly, E.X: Correct Structure: !dispay transferfrom @EAOE 0.1 ETH #general !subscribe premium @EAOE Command Missformat: !dispay transferfrom @EAOE 0.1 ETH

  • Invalid Crypto The crypto you are trying to transfer from the user, send, or check your bots balance of is not supported by the crypto, or your bot miswrote the symbol of the crypto.

  • Invalid Amount The amount you are trying to transfer from the user or send from the bot is less than zero

  • Amount Missformat The amount your bot inputted is not in numerical format

  • Missing User The command your bot is using is expecting a user to be mentioned in it but found none

  • Missing Notification Channel The transferfrom command your bot is using is missing the notification channel

Last updated